Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Off, one way or the other, both at home & at work

I'm blogging from the office at this ridiculously late hour because our Internet service has been down at home since yesterday morning, due to connection problems in another part of New York City.

To make matters even more "interesting," none of the comments that I've posted within the last hour have actually appeared on the posts, though I can see them if I click on "post a comment." So don't be upset if the traffic gets kinda slow around here.


Blogger Elie said...

I have the opposite problem - I can no longer access blogger from work. So I can read my blog or others, and even post to my blog via email, but I can't post comments. Night is rather dicey in terms of my getting much computer time. I'm WFH today so I'm able to comment here, but in general if you see me commenting less often, it's not because I don't still care!

Wed Jun 06, 09:56:00 AM 2007  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

As the Son-ster's old favorites, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, would say, "Major bummer, dude." I hope you'll be able to drop in now and then.

Dem bums at my office cut off all access to YouTube and MySpace, so now I have to wait 'til I get home to watch all the videos that bloggers embed in their posts. So I, too, am not having as much luck with the blogs at the office as I used to.

The good news is that the hubster called Verizon again last night, and, after much following of instructions, got us back online. I'm happy to add that my comments (and, for that matter, this post) finally decided to make themselves visible, as well.

Wed Jun 06, 11:10:00 AM 2007  

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